Prince Foundation Sponsors MBCC Charity Gala Dinner to Safeguard lives in Kampong Speu Province

2022 Business

Prince Foundation is a silver sponsor of Malaysia Business Chamber of Cambodia’s (MBCC) charity gala dinner, which successfully raised funds enabling Kampong Speu province to become another landmine-free province in Cambodia.

Launched in response to the national campaign “Samdech Techo Project for Mine Action”, the MBCC charity gala is jointly organized with Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA), bringing together 21 corporate sponsors and nearly 500 attendees.

Lieutenant General Hun Manet, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, and Commander of the Royal Cambodian Army, Senior Minister Ly Thuch, First Vice-President of CMAA and president of The Cambodia Wheelchair Basketball Federation (“CWBF”) and H.E. Eldeen Husaini Mohd Hashim, Ambassador of Malaysia to Cambodia are in attendance as the guests of honour.

The funds will go towards safeguarding lives in Kampong Speu province via demining operations involving a range of local and international stakeholders.

“With a strong foundation having been in Cambodia for more than three decades, we are pleased to contribute to the country not only in terms of business development by promoting Malaysian investment but also by ensuring a safer future for Cambodians,” said Oknha Tan Khee Meng, President of the Malaysian Business Chamber of Cambodia.

“Prince Foundation is pleased to continue its involvement in mine action through this event bringing together both local and international stakeholders. We looking forward to pay our part in building a better, safer Cambodia for all,” said Gabriel Tan, Chief Communications Officer of Prince Holding Group.

Prince Foundation has worked closely with CMAA and is committed to Cambodia’s cause for Landmine Free 2025. In July, the foundation helped to raise awareness through producing call to action and deminers’ interview videos during a visit to Pursat province organized by CMAA and The Sir Bobby Charlton Foundation. Prince Foundation also shows ongoing support to Cambodia’s wheelchair basketball team comprised primarily of landmine victims.